A Trip through Leslie Gulch to Owyhee Reservoir

As Hubby and I age, we have been making a list of places that are only a days drive from us that we want to see. A couple of weekends ago, we took one of those trips.

Thursday Hubby said, “We’re going to Leslie Gulch tomorrow. Pack one night’s clothes and some food and drinks.” Always up for a spontaneous trip, I packed what we would need and as soon as he’d finished some farm stuff Friday morning we headed out with Nia navigating the way. 😉

Nia with her head out the window sniffing the breeze since we were going to slow.

Hubby had been told by several people how pretty Leslie Gulch is and that it was a narrow rocky road. It did live up to that expectation. We had passed the sign to Leslie Gulch many times on our way to Nampa and Boise Idaho through Jordan Valley, OR. Each time we would say, we should take that road some day.

That day came! It was a beautiful day, sun shining not too hot. At least until we arrived down at the reservoir.

One of the smooth formations

The rock formations and multitude of colors kept my head whipping back and forth to both sides of the gulch. Some rock appeared smooth with streaks of red, pink and black, while others were porous yellow, pink, and green. And then were were the large and small cavities in some rocks and others that appeared to be made from a yellow, pink or gray lava.

I know very little about rocks or geology but I love rocks in all their colors, forms, and surfaces.

After making our way down the gulch to the reservoir, we noted the places a person could park a camper, though Hubby expressed when we came back it wouldn’t be to this spot because it took us over an hour to go 26 miles in my Jeep Cherokee. That was how gnarly the road was in places. You couldn’t go very fast and had pull over to let oncoming traffic go by.

The reservoir was smooth. There were people fishing from the side and others putting in small fishing boats or rafts. There is a trail that goes around the edge of the reservoir. We walked it a short distance to see more of the reservoir, then went back to the car and pulled out our lunch.

Trail around the edge.

The drive back out was just as inspiring as the drive in. The rock formations took on different tints and shapes as we came at them from a different direction.

We plan to get back and camp a couple days at the Owyhee dam either in the fall or next spring. Hubby said he didn’t want to be down in that hole in the summer. And we will go to the damn because it has better camp area and easier to get to road. But I enjoyed our trip through Leslie Gulch. I love when we do spur of the moment trips!

I’ll just tag onto the end of this and today is the last day you can get the my book Poker Face in Audiobook for $0.99! Check it out here with other great listens by Independent Authors. https://indieaudiobookdeals.com/

Spotted Pony Casino Mystery

Book 1 of the Spotted Pony Casino Mysteries

Dela Alvaro is a disabled veteran who grew up on the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Reservation. When an IED in Iraq ends her military career, she comes home to reassess her life and lands a job in security at the Indian-run casino on the reservation.

Not even a year into being the assistant to the head of security, Dela is promoted on a trial basis. When one of the casino employees is found stabbed and stuffed in a laundry chute, she knows she can kiss head of security goodbye if she doesn’t find the killer before the media gets hold of the story.

While she is in over her head, she can’t decide if the FBI Special Agent called in to help is a blessing or a curse. It’s a man she ran across in Iraq who overrode her authority. When a second casino employee is killed, Dela has to decide if she can trust the special agent with not only keeping her job but keeping the rest of the casino employees safe.

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